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Cuba 🇨🇺 0 (0)

We skipped ahead to Cuba because we did a Cuban potluck with our friends Colleen, Bill, Yelana and Dmitriy. It was so much fun! Rob and I made Cuban Sandwiches (with homemade Cuban bread) and Cuban Green Salad with Avocados. Colleen made Black Bean Soup and Herbed Cuban Black Bean […]

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Burkina Faso 🇧🇫 0 (0)

Our Burkina Faso meal was Ragout D’Igname (traditional Burkinabé Yam Stew), Burkinabé Tô and Banfora (fried pastry with pineapple). We drank Bissap a la Bonne Dame (hibiscus tea with pineapple). We both liked the stew and plan to make it again. The Burkinabé Tô was quite a production. The recipe […]

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Bulgaria 🇧🇬 0 (0)

Our Bulgarian meal was Bulgarian Cucumber Soup with Walnuts, Bulgarian Moussaka and Shtrudel (Apple Strudel). The cucumber soup was cold, creamy and delicious with little chunks of cucumber. The walnuts added a nice flavor and texture. The Moussaka was similar to Shepards pie. It was beef, pork, carrots, onions, tomatoes, […]

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Brunei 🇧🇳 0 (0)

Our Brunei meal consisted of Chicken Satay with peanut sauce, Cucumber salad and Mango with Sticky rice. The sticky rice was sweet, made with coconut water and sugar. It was all very good and the sticky rice and mango was great for breakfast the next day, topped with toasted walnuts. […]

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Brazil 🇧🇷 0 (0)

Brazil is the 24th country in our “Gura’s Global Grub and Armchair Travels“! Coincidentally it took us a year (minus 1 day) to cook meals from 24 countries. The Global Table Adventure site we have been using as a starting point for our meals lists 195 countries, so only 171 […]

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Botswana 🇧🇼 0 (0)

Our Botswana meal was Seswaa (Stewed Beef), Cornmeal Pap, Bostwanan Stewed Spinach Greens and Pampoenkoekies (South African pumpkin fritters). We drank Roobis Tea that has high levels of health-promoting antioxidants. Roobis tea is a red herbal tea that comes from the fermented leaves of the Aspalathus linearis shrub, a plant native […]

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Bolivia 🇧🇴 0 (0)

Our Bolivian meal was Bolivian Avocado & Tomato Salad, La Sopa de Mani (Bolivian Peanut & Beef Soup), La Llajua/Llajwa Hot Sauce, Corn on the cob with fried cheese and Helado de Canela (Cinnamon Sorbet). The Avocado salad was like deconstructed guacamole. So good and easy. I really liked the […]