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Cape Verde 🇨🇻 0 (0)

Cape Verde is an archipelago of 10 islands off the West Coast of Africa in the central Atlantic Ocean. It was inhabited by Portuguese explorers in the 15th century. It has some beautiful towns and coastlines such as Fontainhas, Mindelo and Ponta Do Sol. Fontainhas is a small village on the […]

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Burkina Faso 🇧🇫 0 (0)

Our Burkina Faso meal was Ragout D’Igname (traditional Burkinabé Yam Stew), Burkinabé Tô and Banfora (fried pastry with pineapple). We drank Bissap a la Bonne Dame (hibiscus tea with pineapple). We both liked the stew and plan to make it again. The Burkinabé Tô was quite a production. The recipe […]

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Benin 🇧🇯 0 (0)

Benin is a small country on the West coast of Africa that is about the size of Ohio. Ohio is 44,825 mi² with a population of 11.75 million while Benin is 44,310 mi² population 12.47 million. It is said Benin was the birthplace of Vudon (voodoo) which is still practiced but the […]