Angola 🇦🇴

Last Sunday’s international meal was from Angola . This meal was…interesting. It consisted of Camarao Grelhado Piri Piri (Grilled Prawns with Peppers), Muamba de Galinha (Angolan Chicken Stew), Bâton de Manioc (Yucca/Cassava Sticks) and Cocada Angolana (Coconut Dessert). 

The chicken was flavorful. The cassava tubers were pealed, soaked for 3 days, shredded (avoiding the fibrous center that contains arsenic), run through the food processor to make a paste, wrapped in banana leaves and then steamed for 6 hours. After all that the taste and texture was different (which is the whole point of trying foods from other countries). It was OK when added to the chicken stew as suggested in the recipe. The coconut desert was very sweet!! We could only eat a small amount. 

We went to several Eastern European and Middle Eastern stores but could not find the cassava root or banana leaves. We ended up ordering the cassava root online. Doing a Google search we found the banana leaves in the freezer section at Walmart!! Turned out they also had frozen cassava root!

Veria Hotel in Tbilisi Built in 1967 as a luxury hotel, but became a refugee camp housing more than 800 people. The hotel was then renovated and in 2009 reopened as the Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel.

Angola was a Portuguese providence that gained independence in 1975. It is the second largest Portuguese speaking country behind Brazil. It is the seventh largest country in Africa. 

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