Albania 🇦🇱

Albania is the second county in our Global Table Adventure.
The menu consists of Tava Elbasani (Lamb Baked in Yogurt), Byrek ose Lakror (Leek Pie), Turli Perim (Albanian Vegetables), Albanian Cornbread and Llokume (Turkish Delight).

An interesting fact we learned about Albania is it was a communist country until 1991.

The lamb in yogurt sauce was more like lamb in soufflé. We thought it would be more saucy but the recipe did have 4 eggs in the sauce.
The Albanian cornbread was yummy. We have a favorite cornbread recipe that I think we like a little better.
I’m extremely proud of how the leek pie turned out. It was pretty tasty too.
The Turkish Delight needs to sit in the powdered sugar/corn starch mixture for one more day but we had a couple pieces tonight. It actually tasted pretty close to the Tukish Deliight we bought at the European speciality food mart. The yellow Turkish Delight is flavored with orange extract and the pink with rosewater. Rosewater is such is different taste. Very purfumy. 
When I was making it a piece fell inside my slipper causing my foot to stick to my slipper every time I took a step the rest of the day! Lol. I tried to clean it out but it was so sticky! 

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