Bahamas 🇧🇸

The first “B” country on our international table adventure  is also the first country we’ve actually visited – Bahamas! We spent a week there in 2011 and it was gorgeous every day! We also had a brief stop at a small Cay during the Star Trek cruise in 2019.

We started off by mixing up some Bahama Mamas (I love rum drinks)! As an appetizer we made conch fritters but since I’m allergic to shellfish we made some plain fritters for me. When we were in the Bahamas there were huge piles of conch shells in dumps – so much that they had issues getting rid of them all. We were trying to figure out something to do with conch shells to make money so we could make a living there, but unfortunately the i-Conch phone didn’t catch on.

For the main course we made Bahamian boiled fish with grouper, Macaroni pie (a cheesy mac & cheese bake) and coconut Bimini bread (unfortunately it was nowhere near as good as the bread we got from West End Bakery with the coconut and papaya sauces).

The Bahamas consist of 700 islands and 2,400 cays in total (of which 30 are inhabited), so I think we need to return and visit a few more!

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