Alfie and Arlo

April 16-23, 2023

When we fostered Alfie and Arlo they were about 4 months old. We also had Cookie and Tootsie that we were holding on to because Friendship APL was full. They were supposed to go to the APL on Sunday but we had them until Wednesday. Cookie and Tootsie were both girls and Alfie and Arlo boys so a lot times we just referred to them as “The Girls” and “The Boys”. When we got them, Alfie and Arlo had just gotten over Coccidia so we kept the two sets of puppies separate. They took turns playing outside and the boys slept in the downstairs dog room. The boys played on the deck, an area that was easily cleaned after they were done playing, and the girls played in the yard. Arlo was timid when we first got him but by the end of the week he warmed up to me and loved to snuggle and look me in the eyes. When they warm up like that it is hard to take them to the APL. 🙁

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