Indiana Dunes – October 2020

Took some half-days off, mixed with “working remote” to enjoy a late summer trip to Indiana Dunes.

Day 1 – Campsite

Campsites were all primitive – no electric or water hookups, so good thing we had a generator to power our computers to work!

Day 2 – Lake View Beach

Day 3 – Hiking the Great Marsh Trail

Sunset on the beach

Day 4 – Hiking the Dunes

Hiking in sand is excruciating! This dune had a 192′ rise, but the views from the top and the trails back down the other side were beautiful!

Day 5 – RV Hall of Fame

On the way back, we stopped at the RV Hall of Fame and Museum in Elkhart, IN. Interesting history of RVs and Motorhomes – even found an old ’85 Bounder – looked pretty similar to ours!

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