MMS MOA 2022

Is this a tech conference or a cross-country RV trip? A little bit of both!

Day 1 – Friday

Packed up the camper and got on the road by about 2:00 PM. First overnight stay at Rabid Brewing in Homewood, Illinois via the Harvest Host program. Bar was really cool and got to chat up the bar owner for awhile. They host a D&D game during the week, so was talking about brews and D&D! 🙂 Really enjoyed their brews too – their IPAs are citrus based, so really good. Didn’t get a chance to talk to the co-owner, his wife, too long as she had to get ready for a brewfest in the morning.

Day 2 – Saturday


Day 3 – Sunday

drove/arrive do

Day 4 – Mon


Day 5 Tues

audio tour of Minneapolis





Day 8 Friday

back on road

Day 9 Sat


Day 10 Sun


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